~Totally fulL!!~
today i wont eat my dinner...
im really full...
almost vomit...><'''
morning juz ate litle thgs...
bcoz cant eat a lot oso...
den until 1.40pm no eat anythg...
today no EST so bak early...
bt nid walk to hui's hse...
bcoz mom bz =='''
arrived her hse...
hui gav me a vitagen, 2 pieces of mooncake and one pack of honeystar...
paiseh o...we still "kid" ma...XP
all those food make me full adi...
i tot mom wont brought sum food for me...
bt no...she brought it...
i ate one karipap in the car...
bak home ate bee hun...@@
full until nw...
cant hving dinner...
totally cant...
if continue eat d dinner...
im sure cant slp 4 tonight...
bcoz TOO FULL!!!
really nth to say about adi...
today end here...
c ya guyz...^^V
My Heart ♥ My World ♥ My Love

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
~CooK~ =)
today i helped my mom cooked d dinner...
dun scare ok? it sure can eat...
SURE!! ofcoz XD
bcoz nth to do...
and then mom nid cook other dishes...
so she asked me to help her cook another dish...
juz simply dish oni lar~
wont burn d kitchen wad...
haha~ =D
after finished, im d 1st who ate...xp
im alwayz hv my dinner around 5pm-6pm...
too early huh? bt i slp early 2...
so nid to eat early...kaka~
sry to my frenz again...
bcoz they waiting for me to update my blog everyday...
bt i hv no idea to write wad inside my blog...
bt today i updated adi nia~ =)
bt still nt dat interesting...sry guyz ><
today i helped my mom cooked d dinner...
dun scare ok? it sure can eat...
SURE!! ofcoz XD
bcoz nth to do...
and then mom nid cook other dishes...
so she asked me to help her cook another dish...
juz simply dish oni lar~
wont burn d kitchen wad...
haha~ =D
after finished, im d 1st who ate...xp
im alwayz hv my dinner around 5pm-6pm...
too early huh? bt i slp early 2...
so nid to eat early...kaka~
sry to my frenz again...
bcoz they waiting for me to update my blog everyday...
bt i hv no idea to write wad inside my blog...
bt today i updated adi nia~ =)
bt still nt dat interesting...sry guyz ><
Thursday, September 24, 2009
dun ask me y i put dis "new-ing" as title...
bcoz i duno y i wan put it...xp
juz think mayb new bg vif new style of blogging...
ya...i hv think about it be4...
nop...is today...x3
today i visited my old fren's blog...
she updated her blog everyday vif diff story, own story, own life story...
itz very touch, really...
she is Jiun
she hv a happy face, bt she everythgs dat happen bside her r sad n bad thgs...
everytym i read wad she wrote in blog...
im sure thinking of myself...
should i continue to hate them who i hate for?
although they hurt me be4...
we should enjoy our life ryt?
nw thinking of exam adi...
every frenz start study except me...
wad im waiting for? effort...
i dun hv any effort...
everytym be4 slp or wake up...
im sure think about it...
quite stress...
nt juz "quite" is "very"!! ><
mayb sumone should shake me until i awake or clap me until i awake...
d exam is near!!
y i still can relax lik dis...
stop thinking about it...
my bg chg to blue blue sky bcoz i nid to relax...
lik d sky dun hv any thgs "disturb" it...
juz oni d cloud...
look peace and relax...
trying to relax my mind and start study...
actually 2day wan make double version: eng and chinese...
bt lazy to make it adi...
so tired...
nop, is stress...
cheer up, yuffie!!
u cant b lik dat...><
dun ask me y i put dis "new-ing" as title...
bcoz i duno y i wan put it...xp
juz think mayb new bg vif new style of blogging...
ya...i hv think about it be4...
nop...is today...x3
today i visited my old fren's blog...
she updated her blog everyday vif diff story, own story, own life story...
itz very touch, really...
she is Jiun
she hv a happy face, bt she everythgs dat happen bside her r sad n bad thgs...
everytym i read wad she wrote in blog...
im sure thinking of myself...
should i continue to hate them who i hate for?
although they hurt me be4...
we should enjoy our life ryt?
nw thinking of exam adi...
every frenz start study except me...
wad im waiting for? effort...
i dun hv any effort...
everytym be4 slp or wake up...
im sure think about it...
quite stress...
nt juz "quite" is "very"!! ><
mayb sumone should shake me until i awake or clap me until i awake...
d exam is near!!
y i still can relax lik dis...
stop thinking about it...
my bg chg to blue blue sky bcoz i nid to relax...
lik d sky dun hv any thgs "disturb" it...
juz oni d cloud...
look peace and relax...
trying to relax my mind and start study...
actually 2day wan make double version: eng and chinese...
bt lazy to make it adi...
so tired...
nop, is stress...
cheer up, yuffie!!
u cant b lik dat...><
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
~New BackgrounD~
~New BackgrounD~
harlow my frenz~
i had chged my bg nia~
juz a simple blue sky...^^
leave sum comment at tagboard o...
luv u all...
muakxx~ =)
harlow my frenz~
i had chged my bg nia~
juz a simple blue sky...^^
leave sum comment at tagboard o...
luv u all...
muakxx~ =)
really sry to my frenz...
bcoz of long tym no update my blog...
SORRY~~~ =x
dis raya's holiday really borin nia~
i tot i can study wan...
bt dun hv d effort to study...><
d 2nd week of october hving end year exam...
im sure die...
gonna die soon....><
read sejarah...
felt slpy...LOLx
wan do acc...
bt no effort...x.x
really sry to my frenz...
bcoz of long tym no update my blog...
SORRY~~~ =x
dis raya's holiday really borin nia~
i tot i can study wan...
bt dun hv d effort to study...><
d 2nd week of october hving end year exam...
im sure die...
gonna die soon....><
read sejarah...
felt slpy...LOLx
wan do acc...
bt no effort...x.x
Monday, September 7, 2009
~B.tinggi + genting' triiP~
~B.tinggi + gentinG~
harlow frenz~
sry for long tym no update my blog again...
last sat and sun...
i went to b.tinggi and genting vif hui nia~
-Sat, 5 Sept. 2009-
about 12pm i arrived her hse...
den nth to do...
juz acc hui on9 and fb and oso msn...
and then we ctn do such these thgs until...
about 2.30pm?? i think...
den we watched d-gray man...
after dat hui's dad bak about 3.30pm...
quite late...
bcoz hv work...
den prepared all d thgs until 4pm++ and we started our "journey"...
on d way, we go to b.tinggi...
hui listening music...
den me??
slp i think...
*skip d part when i zZzZ*
we arrived thr almost 5 or 6pm...
bt d place we almost check in at thr chg to cormal tropical (duno hw to spell)...
we waited d "car" to d place about 1 hr...
bcoz wait so long...
lazy to c wait hw long is it...den predict as 1 hr lar...
*skip d part wait for "car"*
finally d "car" came...
den we sat most front...
finally arrived thr...
french's village...^^
after we check in at thr...
we get bak by d "car" again...
and then me and hui one room, her parents one room...
inside d "hse"
dun hv any comment about dis...
hui's chocolate + strawberry cake...
hv many chocolate...LOLx
biscuits...i decorated wan...(^^)V

and then add one more coffee to each other...
look c2p in dis pic...haha
look nice is it??

harlow frenz~
sry for long tym no update my blog again...
last sat and sun...
i went to b.tinggi and genting vif hui nia~
-Sat, 5 Sept. 2009-
about 12pm i arrived her hse...
den nth to do...
juz acc hui on9 and fb and oso msn...
and then we ctn do such these thgs until...
about 2.30pm?? i think...
den we watched d-gray man...
after dat hui's dad bak about 3.30pm...
quite late...
bcoz hv work...
den prepared all d thgs until 4pm++ and we started our "journey"...
on d way, we go to b.tinggi...
hui listening music...
den me??
slp i think...
*skip d part when i zZzZ*
we arrived thr almost 5 or 6pm...
bt d place we almost check in at thr chg to cormal tropical (duno hw to spell)...
we waited d "car" to d place about 1 hr...
bcoz wait so long...
lazy to c wait hw long is it...den predict as 1 hr lar...
*skip d part wait for "car"*
finally d "car" came...
den we sat most front...
finally arrived thr...
french's village...^^
taking pic frm d "tower"
we get bak by d "car" again...
and then me and hui one room, her parents one room...
inside d "hse"
to prevent we getting slpy...
we plyed many thgs...
hv jumped "column"2...
den hv tried to write "poem"...
wrote lyrics...
ofcoz hv do sumthin c2p...
dun wan let u all noe about it...^^
and then we hv taking sum photo...(paiseh zi lian a bit lar)
lolx...im so ugly...
we hving "party"...
we prepared "many" food as below:
blueberries cake...i lik dis so much...^^
bcoz can take pic lik dis...haha
so emo-looking...haha
-Sun, 6 Sept. 2009-
i think is midnite adi...
den we borin until nth to do...
*addicted adi...lolx
hui behind me...
she cute wad...^^
bcoz i rmb when we waited until 4.30 am...
raining cats and dogs...
den we said we rest a while...
after dat wan jogging...
d rest a while nt only a while...
i woke up at 6.30am!!!
juz slp 2 hrs...
hui still slping...
den i nth to do...
so brushed teeth and hving bath...
after dat i c d bowl dat we put in d refrigerator...
look lik jelly...haha
we went to check out...
and started to another place: GENTING
we arrived thr about 10 or 11am...
we arrived thr about 10 or 11am...
bt still cant check in...
bcoz nid wait tills 12pm...
den me and hui went around at thr...
actually we decided to watch Final Destination 4...
actually we decided to watch Final Destination 4...
bt its 18SL...
broken heart...LOLx...
we saw lot fun thgs at thr...
bcoz met a guy...
woah!! his skin so nice!! white oso!!
he oso stared at us...
im so scare bcoz his keep looking at us...
bt im sure if we no turn our head, he sure smile to us...@@
after dat, we hving our lunch at sushi king again...
so FULL!!
and then after checked in me and hui juz stayed at hotel...
2 tired adi...
i wan to slp...
bt cant...haiz...
den taking sum pic again..
sry nia~
bcoz ugly still take pic...haha
and then we bak about 6.30pm...den mom came and fetch me about 9pm...
actually im nt hungry wan...bt i no eat anythgs after hving my lunch...
den let mom and sumone scolded...so i eat luu...
ok lar...today until here nia~~
oh yeah, sry about last post...bcoz sumthink prob...so all words bcum bigger...xp
Friday, September 4, 2009
long tym no update my blog adi...
sry nia~
bcoz i hv no idea vif it...
no special thgs happen...
juz teacher gav bak our exam' papers....
the result so worst!!!
i duno wad can i say...
juz can say dat im no prepare anythgs 4 d exam...
bt quite happy bcoz of my math...
can b so happy lar...
bcoz nt dat perfect...
dun wan let u noe wad i get...HAHA =D
today get bak my physic...
i no fail it...=^^=
bt oso nt dat gud lar...
bcoz no study at all sure duno hw to ans it...xp
Pn Fathiyah gav h.works to us again...
teacher had gav us 3 types of account...
at sch, i finished one and a half...LOLxx
den went bak home finished 3/4...
bcoz i cant make it imbang...
duno which part did wrong...
tues muz ask my frenz...=D
today until here lar...
bcoz nth can say adi...
juz wait 4 sunday...
bcoz sis said wan go to sg. wang...
hv COSPLY at thr!!!
i nvr c d cosplyer in front of my eyes...
bt if i hv chance i sure wan go lar...
bt i hate those places which lot of ppl...@@
if i hv go thr sure take many pics bak...keke
today until here...
long tym no update my blog adi...
sry nia~
bcoz i hv no idea vif it...
no special thgs happen...
juz teacher gav bak our exam' papers....
the result so worst!!!
i duno wad can i say...
juz can say dat im no prepare anythgs 4 d exam...
bt quite happy bcoz of my math...
can b so happy lar...
bcoz nt dat perfect...
dun wan let u noe wad i get...HAHA =D
today get bak my physic...
i no fail it...=^^=
bt oso nt dat gud lar...
bcoz no study at all sure duno hw to ans it...xp
Pn Fathiyah gav h.works to us again...
teacher had gav us 3 types of account...
at sch, i finished one and a half...LOLxx
den went bak home finished 3/4...
bcoz i cant make it imbang...
duno which part did wrong...
tues muz ask my frenz...=D
today until here lar...
bcoz nth can say adi...
juz wait 4 sunday...
bcoz sis said wan go to sg. wang...
hv COSPLY at thr!!!
i nvr c d cosplyer in front of my eyes...
bt if i hv chance i sure wan go lar...
bt i hate those places which lot of ppl...@@
if i hv go thr sure take many pics bak...keke
today until here...
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