Today is new year eve, few more hours later will be 1 JAN 2010!! I got my salary today, not really get it but I got the cheque from my boss. I'm just got RM700. == I thought I will get more than it, but nope...
Don't want care about it, new year new hope =) But one of my new hopes are don't let me get sick before new year, okay?? I'm getting sick right now! Arghh... >:(
Next year I'll be senior, Form 5 girl. Of course I need to face the SPM next year. STRESS man... ><
Oh yeah, now I'm changing my style to write my blog. I'll use "correct spelling" and "correct grammar" start from today. I think this will be easy to understand compare with the last few years' posts.
For sure, the posts will be shorter than before, except for some special posts. Hehe =)
Guys, I have a new account in TWITTER. I just made it last few days, quite enjoy with it. Haha! xD When you free, you can try to visit my twitter at there. =)
Alright guys, time to publish my post. (^^)v
-hearing bad woman-FT island now-
My Heart ♥ My World ♥ My Love

Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
gosh...i 1st tym feel wan to scold my stupid sch in here!
nt i wan to scold bt they really make me angry...
juz nw juz received a msg frm my fren..
she told me tmr nid go bak to sch for taking d text books...
y muz choose tmr??!!!
many holiday dun wan choose wan choose tmr...
they said 8am until 11am take the books...
who noe they really start at 8am?
they should be LATE!!!
wad the...
y they dun wan choose today??
stupid sch...
who organize it?!
everyone wan go out tmr, all should be very bz...
bt they choose tmr, y nt today???
*errhmm...sry bcoz of my rude...really angry...*
gosh...i 1st tym feel wan to scold my stupid sch in here!
nt i wan to scold bt they really make me angry...
juz nw juz received a msg frm my fren..
she told me tmr nid go bak to sch for taking d text books...
y muz choose tmr??!!!
many holiday dun wan choose wan choose tmr...
they said 8am until 11am take the books...
who noe they really start at 8am?
they should be LATE!!!
wad the...
y they dun wan choose today??
stupid sch...
who organize it?!
everyone wan go out tmr, all should be very bz...
bt they choose tmr, y nt today???
*errhmm...sry bcoz of my rude...really angry...*
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
~xx DAY work~
~xx DAY work~
finished eating, dad acc me go to thr and helped me open d door...
and then he bak to work, hwever i start to do my work 2...
feel lik wan to sms sumone bt no...xP
bcoz nid to copy sumthin...
arghh...hate it...><
still copy-ing d exercises for students...
hvn finish copy-ing...
still nid to clip for them...
they really gud neh @@
Miss Chan came adi...
i oso finished copy-ing and start my "homework"...
my frenz holiday no nid do homeworks (sum of them) bt i nid
crying baby and his cousin, Ying came...
they plyed around again...
after few mins, Yu Jie and Yu Xiang came oso...
crying baby sure happy bcoz hv frenz came and he can ply vif them...
they really noisy...
they ply bt...
me n Miss Chan still doin our "homework"...
Miss Chua and her daughter, Lee Jin and Lee Wei...
after they finished put their thgs...
they start d lesson vif Miss Chua...
few mins ltr, Ethan came...
when he went inside d classroom...
we heard "woo~" frm d studentz...
seems lik he bcame famous for them...
Miss Chan shocked...
bcoz she hving tt vif other studentz...
and d laptop i using at thr very lousy (cant c chinese words at all!! ) ==
i tot i can find sumthin about chinese by using dat laptop...
after Miss Chan went to tt vif other studentz...
juz left me outside d office...
so i write sumthin at my blog...
to prevent i 4gt wad thgs i nid to write..
start another class after d lessons at 9.00am-10am...
today, their subject is math...
Miss Chua gav them a math test...
den i still stayed at office and do my thgs:
finding sum materials for next class on tmr and another days, find d meaning of words dat i duno, find d way to teach my studentz hw to diff d words, ofcoz i still wan to blogging...xP
glad today no nid take care d crying baby...
teacher Kia said he nvr teach crying baby be4 so wan to try..
bt for him, i think will b easy to teach...
bcoz crying baby seems very lik teacher Kia...@@
throat kip pain-ing...
i drank d herbal tea dat dad made for me...
mayb i nid to drink more water oso den wont b so pain...
bt duno wad happen, stomach pain oso @@
oh my~ wad happen to my body??
juz finished prepare sumthin for essay...
nw im still confusing thurs teach chinese or malay...
bcoz last tym Miss Chua said chinese hv 2 dayz too many...
den mayb will chg to malay...
bt i still duno is malay or chinese...@@
so nid to preapre at 1st...
studentz still "exam-ing"...
duno they will discuss or nt...
bcoz Miss Chua went away and discussed sumthin vif teacher Kia...
bt for me, i think they will...
plying hangman nw...xP
bcoz thinking nid to let studentz ply wad games...
den searched in googles...
found dat game...
addicted vif it...haha~ xD
after a while i plying typing game
plyed half, Miss Chan came bak...
lunch tym and bathing tym...
ofcoz nt bathing tym for teachers bt for students...
feel dun wan to eat...
throat pain leh!!!!
Miss Chua n teacher Kia went out adi when we hving lunch...
left me n Miss Chan take care those children...
they kip argued, fighting, plying...
when they complain...
we juz "en...en...", we juz ignored them xP
crying baby finally went bak home...
all so happy...
bcoz dat evil crying baby had gone...
we happy 2 xD
workshop had started...
twin boyz was absent...
Miss Chan really angry vif them...
we oso think he dun wan tt adi...
den left both of us at office thr...
the others went for workshop...
both of us did our own thgs...
i kip blogging, listening songs and plying sum typing games...
den Miss Chan find sum games for them...
after a while, Miss Chan's fren came and gav her d books dat she wan...
her fren is a teacher...
she shocked me bcoz she knew im still a student...@@
really pro...
and said im muz b gud in study...
haha~ nt really gud lar...
sud rmb i 4gt to prepare the eng exercises for my student...
gosh...hw cum im so 4getful??
nth to do again...
so i helped Miss Chan cut sumthin...
after dat, i feel lik wan to write d words...
those words in malay called "Tulisan Kurif"...
i 4gt wad is d name in eng adi...xP
wrote until syiok...haha~
students finally can go bak...
me and Miss Chan oso can go bak...
too borin adi lar...
today until here lar...
throat so pain...
make me no mood to write adi...
c ya guyz
finished eating, dad acc me go to thr and helped me open d door...
and then he bak to work, hwever i start to do my work 2...
feel lik wan to sms sumone bt no...xP
bcoz nid to copy sumthin...
arghh...hate it...><
still copy-ing d exercises for students...
hvn finish copy-ing...
still nid to clip for them...
they really gud neh @@
Miss Chan came adi...
i oso finished copy-ing and start my "homework"...
my frenz holiday no nid do homeworks (sum of them) bt i nid
crying baby and his cousin, Ying came...
they plyed around again...
after few mins, Yu Jie and Yu Xiang came oso...
crying baby sure happy bcoz hv frenz came and he can ply vif them...
they really noisy...
they ply bt...
me n Miss Chan still doin our "homework"...
Miss Chua and her daughter, Lee Jin and Lee Wei...
after they finished put their thgs...
they start d lesson vif Miss Chua...
few mins ltr, Ethan came...
when he went inside d classroom...
we heard "woo~" frm d studentz...
seems lik he bcame famous for them...
Miss Chan shocked...
bcoz she hving tt vif other studentz...
and d laptop i using at thr very lousy (cant c chinese words at all!! ) ==
i tot i can find sumthin about chinese by using dat laptop...
after Miss Chan went to tt vif other studentz...
juz left me outside d office...
so i write sumthin at my blog...
to prevent i 4gt wad thgs i nid to write..
start another class after d lessons at 9.00am-10am...
today, their subject is math...
Miss Chua gav them a math test...
den i still stayed at office and do my thgs:
finding sum materials for next class on tmr and another days, find d meaning of words dat i duno, find d way to teach my studentz hw to diff d words, ofcoz i still wan to blogging...xP
glad today no nid take care d crying baby...
teacher Kia said he nvr teach crying baby be4 so wan to try..
bt for him, i think will b easy to teach...
bcoz crying baby seems very lik teacher Kia...@@
throat kip pain-ing...
i drank d herbal tea dat dad made for me...
mayb i nid to drink more water oso den wont b so pain...
bt duno wad happen, stomach pain oso @@
oh my~ wad happen to my body??
juz finished prepare sumthin for essay...
nw im still confusing thurs teach chinese or malay...
bcoz last tym Miss Chua said chinese hv 2 dayz too many...
den mayb will chg to malay...
bt i still duno is malay or chinese...@@
so nid to preapre at 1st...
studentz still "exam-ing"...
duno they will discuss or nt...
bcoz Miss Chua went away and discussed sumthin vif teacher Kia...
bt for me, i think they will...
plying hangman nw...xP
bcoz thinking nid to let studentz ply wad games...
den searched in googles...
found dat game...
addicted vif it...haha~ xD
after a while i plying typing game
plyed half, Miss Chan came bak...
lunch tym and bathing tym...
ofcoz nt bathing tym for teachers bt for students...
feel dun wan to eat...
throat pain leh!!!!
Miss Chua n teacher Kia went out adi when we hving lunch...
left me n Miss Chan take care those children...
they kip argued, fighting, plying...
when they complain...
we juz "en...en...", we juz ignored them xP
crying baby finally went bak home...
all so happy...
bcoz dat evil crying baby had gone...
we happy 2 xD
workshop had started...
twin boyz was absent...
Miss Chan really angry vif them...
we oso think he dun wan tt adi...
den left both of us at office thr...
the others went for workshop...
both of us did our own thgs...
i kip blogging, listening songs and plying sum typing games...
den Miss Chan find sum games for them...
after a while, Miss Chan's fren came and gav her d books dat she wan...
her fren is a teacher...
she shocked me bcoz she knew im still a student...@@
really pro...
and said im muz b gud in study...
haha~ nt really gud lar...
sud rmb i 4gt to prepare the eng exercises for my student...
gosh...hw cum im so 4getful??
nth to do again...
so i helped Miss Chan cut sumthin...
after dat, i feel lik wan to write d words...
those words in malay called "Tulisan Kurif"...
i 4gt wad is d name in eng adi...xP
wrote until syiok...haha~
students finally can go bak...
me and Miss Chan oso can go bak...
too borin adi lar...
today until here lar...
throat so pain...
make me no mood to write adi...
c ya guyz
Saturday, December 5, 2009
~BaD LucK vs LuCky~
~BaD LucK vs LuCky~
today went to KLCC vif sis...
she wan go for PC Fair...
i go for buying books...
today really bad luck...
be4 we go to thr...
mom wan us done hse works 1st...
mom and sis cleaned d floor...
me and bro washed d aquarium...
dats really funny when washing it...
i duno hw to describe it...
bt really funny!!
when we finished washing...
i filled up d water...
den i found dat 1 type of fish dying...
i told my bro bt he said dat fish juz @@ oni...
den i dun care it anymore...
after dat d water almost full...
i called my bro go close d pipe...
he ran and then...FELL DOWN!!
i laugh until cant say anythg... really evil...
bro fell dwn i still laugh him...xP
after dat, i helped my mom mop d floor...
den i saw 4 fish DIED!!
oh gosh...
i told my bro earlier when he was washing d aquarium...
bcoz he kip ply d fish...==
nw all of them died...
left few fish left...
dad quite angry vif us bcoz his fav fish died...
sry dad...><
done all d thgs...
afternoon adi...
hvn eat breakfast @@
den be4 mom fetch us to LRT station, we went to Selayang Mall...
bro and sis went to MacD and take away...
we hving our brunch in d car...
yum yum...
long tym no eat adi...
miss it so much..
muakxx =D
we went to LRT station...
sis wan me took 2 bottles of d coke...
den i took it...
and then we saw a sign dat cant bring any drinks to thr @@
den i put inside my bag...
went inside thr...
lotz malay ==
sat in d "train" oso felt strange...
all d malay kip looking at us...
same lik looking alien or monster...
finally arrived KLCC!!
bt lot ppl at thr...@@
all of them came for d PC Fair...
frm here we can noe dat d "effect" of PC Fair...
haha xD
be4 "step in" to d KLCC...
we still nid to use d card to go through...
bt sumthin bad happened ==
when my sis go...
she tried to touch her card bt d machine no reaction...
then i too nervous and touched my card...
den she can go in..
den me? stayed outside thr ==
i kip touched and touched...
bt still no respond...
so i gav other ppl go 1st...
den my sis knew i cant go in so exchg d card vif me...
bt d result still d same...
i asked help frm d guard he called me go to counter thr...
after i go to d counter and told dat person...
she said i can go in thr vif d "manual way"....
huh? wads "manual way"??
i still blurring dat tym...
den d guard told me most inside dat line...
oic..."manual way" is lik dat...
went inside thr...
i felt dat my bag was wet ==
i opened my bag...
really wet adi...
hate d coke!!! >=(
my file and papers wet 2!!
and then sis said throw d coke...
when i saw d dustbin, i throw it...
went inside d shopping mall...
me and sis seperate...
i went to Kinokuniya, my sis went to PC Fair...
i tot i can find d exercise books in Kinokuniya...
bt NO!!
all kindergarden ==
i tried to find it...
bt still dun hv...
so i dun care it anymore and find sum novels to read...
i found one novel!!
i luv it so much...
it cost RM40+
i took d novel and walked around...
and found other novels!!
oh man...all novels very nice...
if i rich, i hope i can buy all of it...
i read sum novels at thr...
bcoz i knew i wont buy it bak...
itz 2 EXP 4 me...><
i still tot i will buy dat novel bt no xP
when 4pm...
sis calling~
she said meet at KFC thr...
den i went thr n meet vif her...
she let me c d thgs she bought...
a cute turtle dat she get...
really cute!!! x)
and then i saw she bought screen protector, keyboard protector and ear phone...
i wan them 2 bt 4pm already..
if we go bak nw still less ppl at LRT...
bt sis said nvm bcoz tmr mayb we wont go thr adi...
so we walked in thr 2gether...
really lot ppl ><
i bought one antivirus, one keyboard protector, one screen protector, one ear phone n one laptop skin (final fantasy wan =P)
d person who sell antivirus was my sis's fren...
she said he look lik bro...
nt really...@@
mayb he taller than my bro...
finished "shopping" adi~
den we went to LRT station thr...
glad dis tym can pass adi @@
if nt really paiseh wad...
really bad luck lar...
bcoz d card and d coke...
lucky bcoz i bought d thgs dat i wan...
i laptop skin really cool!!!
final fantasy neh =D
went bak home...
really tired ><''
hving shower and then on9 tills dad bak frm work...
he finished bath den we went out together for dinner...
today really late hving our dinner...
7.30pm ==
i feel dun lik to eat...
bt mom n dad sure scold so i ate...
finished dinner, dad noe i wan to buy bookz for studentz...
den he went to Selayang Mall...
8.30pm adi neh~ he still bring us go thr...
i hv told him will b late bcoz nid to choose d books...
bt he din say anythg and took us go...
thkz daddy~ muakxx =D
i choosed d bookz until @@
b4 pay for d bookz...
i saw a malay woman took a book vif title "Longman English Grammar Standard 1"
den i hv a look vif mine...
GOSH!!! i took wrong adi!!
i nid grammar of std 1 - 3...
bt i took wrong, std. 1 and 2 nt grammar...@@
so i chged it faster...
glad neh...
thkz for d malay woman =)
i duno hw to describe d feeling today...
half bad luck half lucky...
anyway, really tired today n...
thkz 4 my mom bcoz fetch me and sis to LRT Station...
thkz 4 sis bcoz bought ear phone 4 me...
thkz 4 dad bcoz brought us to Selayang Mall...
thkz 4 d malay woman who showed d eng grammar book "accidently"...
really TQ u all =D
today went to KLCC vif sis...
she wan go for PC Fair...
i go for buying books...
today really bad luck...
be4 we go to thr...
mom wan us done hse works 1st...
mom and sis cleaned d floor...
me and bro washed d aquarium...
dats really funny when washing it...
i duno hw to describe it...
bt really funny!!
when we finished washing...
i filled up d water...
den i found dat 1 type of fish dying...
i told my bro bt he said dat fish juz @@ oni...
den i dun care it anymore...
after dat d water almost full...
i called my bro go close d pipe...
he ran and then...FELL DOWN!!
i laugh until cant say anythg... really evil...
bro fell dwn i still laugh him...xP
after dat, i helped my mom mop d floor...
den i saw 4 fish DIED!!
oh gosh...
i told my bro earlier when he was washing d aquarium...
bcoz he kip ply d fish...==
nw all of them died...
left few fish left...
dad quite angry vif us bcoz his fav fish died...
sry dad...><
done all d thgs...
afternoon adi...
hvn eat breakfast @@
den be4 mom fetch us to LRT station, we went to Selayang Mall...
bro and sis went to MacD and take away...
we hving our brunch in d car...
yum yum...
long tym no eat adi...
miss it so much..
muakxx =D
we went to LRT station...
sis wan me took 2 bottles of d coke...
den i took it...
and then we saw a sign dat cant bring any drinks to thr @@
den i put inside my bag...
went inside thr...
lotz malay ==
sat in d "train" oso felt strange...
all d malay kip looking at us...
same lik looking alien or monster...
finally arrived KLCC!!
bt lot ppl at thr...@@
all of them came for d PC Fair...
frm here we can noe dat d "effect" of PC Fair...
haha xD
be4 "step in" to d KLCC...
we still nid to use d card to go through...
bt sumthin bad happened ==
when my sis go...
she tried to touch her card bt d machine no reaction...
then i too nervous and touched my card...
den she can go in..
den me? stayed outside thr ==
i kip touched and touched...
bt still no respond...
so i gav other ppl go 1st...
den my sis knew i cant go in so exchg d card vif me...
bt d result still d same...
i asked help frm d guard he called me go to counter thr...
after i go to d counter and told dat person...
she said i can go in thr vif d "manual way"....
huh? wads "manual way"??
i still blurring dat tym...
den d guard told me most inside dat line...
oic..."manual way" is lik dat...
went inside thr...
i felt dat my bag was wet ==
i opened my bag...
really wet adi...
hate d coke!!! >=(
my file and papers wet 2!!
and then sis said throw d coke...
when i saw d dustbin, i throw it...
went inside d shopping mall...
me and sis seperate...
i went to Kinokuniya, my sis went to PC Fair...
i tot i can find d exercise books in Kinokuniya...
bt NO!!
all kindergarden ==
i tried to find it...
bt still dun hv...
so i dun care it anymore and find sum novels to read...
i found one novel!!
i luv it so much...
it cost RM40+
i took d novel and walked around...
and found other novels!!
oh man...all novels very nice...
if i rich, i hope i can buy all of it...
i read sum novels at thr...
bcoz i knew i wont buy it bak...
itz 2 EXP 4 me...><
i still tot i will buy dat novel bt no xP
when 4pm...
sis calling~
she said meet at KFC thr...
den i went thr n meet vif her...
she let me c d thgs she bought...
a cute turtle dat she get...
really cute!!! x)
and then i saw she bought screen protector, keyboard protector and ear phone...
i wan them 2 bt 4pm already..
if we go bak nw still less ppl at LRT...
bt sis said nvm bcoz tmr mayb we wont go thr adi...
so we walked in thr 2gether...
really lot ppl ><
i bought one antivirus, one keyboard protector, one screen protector, one ear phone n one laptop skin (final fantasy wan =P)
d person who sell antivirus was my sis's fren...
she said he look lik bro...
nt really...@@
mayb he taller than my bro...
finished "shopping" adi~
den we went to LRT station thr...
glad dis tym can pass adi @@
if nt really paiseh wad...
really bad luck lar...
bcoz d card and d coke...
lucky bcoz i bought d thgs dat i wan...
i laptop skin really cool!!!
final fantasy neh =D
went bak home...
really tired ><''
hving shower and then on9 tills dad bak frm work...
he finished bath den we went out together for dinner...
today really late hving our dinner...
7.30pm ==
i feel dun lik to eat...
bt mom n dad sure scold so i ate...
finished dinner, dad noe i wan to buy bookz for studentz...
den he went to Selayang Mall...
8.30pm adi neh~ he still bring us go thr...
i hv told him will b late bcoz nid to choose d books...
bt he din say anythg and took us go...
thkz daddy~ muakxx =D
i choosed d bookz until @@
b4 pay for d bookz...
i saw a malay woman took a book vif title "Longman English Grammar Standard 1"
den i hv a look vif mine...
GOSH!!! i took wrong adi!!
i nid grammar of std 1 - 3...
bt i took wrong, std. 1 and 2 nt grammar...@@
so i chged it faster...
glad neh...
thkz for d malay woman =)
i duno hw to describe d feeling today...
half bad luck half lucky...
anyway, really tired today n...
thkz 4 my mom bcoz fetch me and sis to LRT Station...
thkz 4 sis bcoz bought ear phone 4 me...
thkz 4 dad bcoz brought us to Selayang Mall...
thkz 4 d malay woman who showed d eng grammar book "accidently"...
really TQ u all =D
Friday, December 4, 2009
~xX dAy WorK~
~XX dAy WorK~
today start bz again...
bcoz nid chg d date of replacement to my student...
and i nid to find a tym to buy books( std. 1 - 3: chinese, eng and malay)
really many thgs nid to do...
i still nid to find exercises for them...
diff std. wad @@
2 std. 3 next year n 1 std. 2...
really bz and tired!!
today juz printed d exercises for them until blur...
i sud 4gt Yu Xiang is std 2 next year...
den i print std. 3' exercises 4 him...><
really sry about dat...
den i re-print again...
tmr tt off...
sry to my teacher and my fren bcoz sud cancel d class...
i wan go to KLCC vif my sis tmr...
nt bcoz of PC fair bt find d exercise books for students...
really sry ><
today Jia Ling and Jia Qi came to here...
miss them much...
bt they seems so scare me @@
mayb 4 or 5 dayz no tok so felt strange...
Ethan (his name spell lik dis nt Ethen, sry about dat xP) oso stay bak tills 6pm...
bcoz he wan to make chocolate cake vif us today..
haha~ he look cute + handsome...
im sure when he grow up sure very handsome xD
me and Miss Chan no make d cake together bcoz we bz vif d thgs...><
i tot i can learn neh...
bt cant...T.T
at least i can try lar...
haha~ (still can eat juz cant taste any chocolate of the cake)
crying baby cried again...
and argue vif gurlz and boyz...
really fed up vif him ==
i juz ignored him when he complain dis complain dat...
paiseh hor...dis tt teacher abit....
hehe =P
nw wan watch drama again...
muz finish it today!!
tmr nid start bz again...
jia you~ =D
and sry again to my teacher and fren bcoz of d chging...
and sry to other guyz bcoz d post bcum shorter and shorter...
i will try to make it long next tym...
when i free to make it =P
today start bz again...
bcoz nid chg d date of replacement to my student...
and i nid to find a tym to buy books( std. 1 - 3: chinese, eng and malay)
really many thgs nid to do...
i still nid to find exercises for them...
diff std. wad @@
2 std. 3 next year n 1 std. 2...
really bz and tired!!
today juz printed d exercises for them until blur...
i sud 4gt Yu Xiang is std 2 next year...
den i print std. 3' exercises 4 him...><
really sry about dat...
den i re-print again...
tmr tt off...
sry to my teacher and my fren bcoz sud cancel d class...
i wan go to KLCC vif my sis tmr...
nt bcoz of PC fair bt find d exercise books for students...
really sry ><
today Jia Ling and Jia Qi came to here...
miss them much...
bt they seems so scare me @@
mayb 4 or 5 dayz no tok so felt strange...
Ethan (his name spell lik dis nt Ethen, sry about dat xP) oso stay bak tills 6pm...
bcoz he wan to make chocolate cake vif us today..
haha~ he look cute + handsome...
im sure when he grow up sure very handsome xD
me and Miss Chan no make d cake together bcoz we bz vif d thgs...><
i tot i can learn neh...
bt cant...T.T
at least i can try lar...
haha~ (still can eat juz cant taste any chocolate of the cake)
crying baby cried again...
and argue vif gurlz and boyz...
really fed up vif him ==
i juz ignored him when he complain dis complain dat...
paiseh hor...dis tt teacher abit....
hehe =P
nw wan watch drama again...
muz finish it today!!
tmr nid start bz again...
jia you~ =D
and sry again to my teacher and fren bcoz of d chging...
and sry to other guyz bcoz d post bcum shorter and shorter...
i will try to make it long next tym...
when i free to make it =P
Thursday, December 3, 2009
~XX day wORk~
~XX day wORk~
finally can update my blog today...
ytd really bz vif tt and work...
and nid to do many many thgs for preparation...
4gt wad to say...@@
bt same as usual lar...
juz bz again bcoz nid think wad nid to let studentz do tmr...
actually today i nid to teach them art and craft...
bt i no teach..
bcoz juz copy d exercises for them and used up d tym!!
tmr will make pizza...
i really wan to make it!!!
haha~ xD
hope can success lar..
nth to say adi...
hope tmr will many thgs to let u all noe about...
c ya guyz...
wan watch drama again =P
finally can update my blog today...
ytd really bz vif tt and work...
and nid to do many many thgs for preparation...
4gt wad to say...@@
bt same as usual lar...
juz bz again bcoz nid think wad nid to let studentz do tmr...
actually today i nid to teach them art and craft...
bt i no teach..
bcoz juz copy d exercises for them and used up d tym!!
tmr will make pizza...
i really wan to make it!!!
haha~ xD
hope can success lar..
nth to say adi...
hope tmr will many thgs to let u all noe about...
c ya guyz...
wan watch drama again =P
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
~x day Work~
~X day Work~
bcoz duno hw many dayz i work adi...
and i lazy to count it...
so i write "X" day start frm today...
ytd very tired and very bz...
i off earlier ytd and rush for tt...
when bak home about 8pm adi...
letz say about today...
morning, i went to "You Hao Kopitiam" vif my dad...
and then we hving breakfast at thr...
juz 7am+, i saw d crying baby, Ken...
he saw me 2...
juz no call me ==
finished breakfast...
bak to working place...
nid clean d windows again...
ytd juz finished half...
d boss called me paste d magazine on it last week...
den ytd called me remove it den paste another ==
really tired vif dat...
bt glad finished remove today bt nid to paste another paper on it tmr...@@
after Miss Chan came...
we discuss about d lesson...
she hv class vif other students today...
so she went out at 9am lik dat bak at 11am...
today i din teach studentz...
bcoz nid to take care d crying baby...
asked him to read d book...
he read half den wan walked around...==
den i act angry and called him bak finished it...
finished adi, he wan ply...
den plyed vif him...
huu~~ really tired!!
bt he wan disturb his cousin...
den i called him wrote sum words den i plyed vif him...
he really very ENERGYTIC (sry i duno hw to spell it)...
he dun feelz tired i oso felt VERY tired...
when 11am lik dat...
Miss Chan bak...
and then Miss Chua nid do sumthin...
d crying baby started his probz again...
he wan plyed vif Xue Ying, Li Jin and a new student, Ethen...
bt i duno wad happen...
he CRY again ==
bt i dun care him...
bcoz nid to rearranged d books in d "library"...
lunch tym..
today meal: fried rice
crying baby cant eat oily food...
so Xue Ying juz gav him a litle rice...
bt he kip shouted at her..
omg...hw rude was he??
he finished d litle rice den wan more frm Xue Ying again...
make her so angry...
den gav him all n dun wan eat adi...
finished argue...
start class...
many thgs happened...
bt lazy to write...
really tired...
bcoz everyday happen almost d same thgs...
many thgs about d crying baby ==
*skip skip*
Miss Chua hving meeting vif us...
she wanted me and Miss Chan can prepared sum materialz...
dis will make us more easy to find d materialz in d future...
bt it make us bz start frm today...
and make other teacherz more relax start frm next mth...@@
finished meeting about 6.10pm adi...
mom called me adi...
juz i still "on the way" of d meeting...
when bak...
mom told me my result dat i gt...
dun wan to write it out..
if wan to noe juz ask me urself...
really sad vif it...
tmr will nt update my blog...
bcoz rush for tt again...
and i think bak home about 8pm oso...
so no nid wait for me to update my blog tmr...
wait for thurs...
OMG!!! thurs still nid to think sum art for studentz...
bcoz duno hw many dayz i work adi...
and i lazy to count it...
so i write "X" day start frm today...
ytd very tired and very bz...
i off earlier ytd and rush for tt...
when bak home about 8pm adi...
letz say about today...
morning, i went to "You Hao Kopitiam" vif my dad...
and then we hving breakfast at thr...
juz 7am+, i saw d crying baby, Ken...
he saw me 2...
juz no call me ==
finished breakfast...
bak to working place...
nid clean d windows again...
ytd juz finished half...
d boss called me paste d magazine on it last week...
den ytd called me remove it den paste another ==
really tired vif dat...
bt glad finished remove today bt nid to paste another paper on it tmr...@@
after Miss Chan came...
we discuss about d lesson...
she hv class vif other students today...
so she went out at 9am lik dat bak at 11am...
today i din teach studentz...
bcoz nid to take care d crying baby...
asked him to read d book...
he read half den wan walked around...==
den i act angry and called him bak finished it...
finished adi, he wan ply...
den plyed vif him...
huu~~ really tired!!
bt he wan disturb his cousin...
den i called him wrote sum words den i plyed vif him...
he really very ENERGYTIC (sry i duno hw to spell it)...
he dun feelz tired i oso felt VERY tired...
when 11am lik dat...
Miss Chan bak...
and then Miss Chua nid do sumthin...
d crying baby started his probz again...
he wan plyed vif Xue Ying, Li Jin and a new student, Ethen...
bt i duno wad happen...
he CRY again ==
bt i dun care him...
bcoz nid to rearranged d books in d "library"...
lunch tym..
today meal: fried rice
crying baby cant eat oily food...
so Xue Ying juz gav him a litle rice...
bt he kip shouted at her..
omg...hw rude was he??
he finished d litle rice den wan more frm Xue Ying again...
make her so angry...
den gav him all n dun wan eat adi...
finished argue...
start class...
many thgs happened...
bt lazy to write...
really tired...
bcoz everyday happen almost d same thgs...
many thgs about d crying baby ==
*skip skip*
Miss Chua hving meeting vif us...
she wanted me and Miss Chan can prepared sum materialz...
dis will make us more easy to find d materialz in d future...
bt it make us bz start frm today...
and make other teacherz more relax start frm next mth...@@
finished meeting about 6.10pm adi...
mom called me adi...
juz i still "on the way" of d meeting...
when bak...
mom told me my result dat i gt...
dun wan to write it out..
if wan to noe juz ask me urself...
really sad vif it...
tmr will nt update my blog...
bcoz rush for tt again...
and i think bak home about 8pm oso...
so no nid wait for me to update my blog tmr...
wait for thurs...
OMG!!! thurs still nid to think sum art for studentz...
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