My Heart ♥ My World ♥ My Love

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Nothing to do today so update my blog. LOL. I think almost 2 or 3 days didn't update already. Don't know what to say. Anyway, sorry about this XD
Last few days I had changed my relationship status became "it's complicated" in facebook. I wondering why so many people felt so shocked with that? @@ I just changed to "complicated" only leh. Faint~ Went to school, my classmates kept asked me who is the guy. When they became so worry about me? xD Don't say about this. Later you all keep ask me again. =P
Lot things happened today. Happy, sad and angry. Happy because have fun in the 2 hours course. The lecturer really funny and cute. HAHA! I remembered he said we should hear more good things from radio, not hear the hottest music. Then, some of them said Lady Gaga. He said:" Sentiasa Lady Gaga, nanti gagal."(if don't know the meaning ask me in msn, ok? ^^) Haha! Really funny sia~! xD Still have lot funny things at there. xP
After we went back to class, Fatheen told me that the nasi lemak that we asked her to help us buy were stole by someone else. When I heard that, my respond was O.O! Hui saw me so shocked then asked me what happen, I told her that the nasi lemak had stole by others. She also very shocked. Yee also. Fatheen kept said sorry to us and we kept said nevermind to her. We paid back the money to her but she rejected. She said we haven't get the nasi lemak, so can't take our money like that. How sad. She used her money to help us buy, but stole by those bad people! Fatheen, it's alright. Not your fault. ^^
Nothing to say already. Buaiss~ xP
❤ Missing you
Sunday, April 25, 2010
~Steamboat a.k.a. Phren's Bday~
I skipped all the boring part and start from the part we went for steamboat place.
5.45pm. Went to Selayang Mall to take our cake. I thought the cake just RM74 but when I paid for it, the counter said RM84!! What the heck. == Glad I brought quite many money if not me and Yee Ting need to wash plates at there. LOL!
After that, my daddy fetched Jesmine and Hui. We arrived our destination about 6.30pm. So, we found a place and sat and waited for others. After few minutes later, Sarah came. Then, we have a talk and took some photos. xD Then, Jesmine and Sarah went to take some drinks. Me, Hui and Yee Ting saw that, then we went and took it also. Mango~!! My favourite :D
Around 7pm plus plus. Lot of them came and we started to take food and cook it. XD
*skipped some parts*
Me and Yee Ting cooked the meat for others. Taste? Sure yummy~! I'm not perasan lar~ Everyone said that. HAHA!
I think around 8pm or 8.30pm something. Hui and Yee brought many eggs. LOL! Wondering why they took so many eggs. They asked me to fry an egg. Phren, the birthday boy want to fry also. So, we fried the eggs at the same time with different pans. At the end, I won! LOL! Although it looks black (because of the pan) but it still nice. Someone~ I know how to cook neh~ I'm not bluffing. HAHA!!
Ate many types of food. Made all of us felt so full. About 10.30pm we brought the cake out and sang birthday song to Phren. All of us full until want vomit already. This was my first time ate too many things.
Don't feel like want to write already because don't want to make this post so long. xD
❤ Missing you
Friday, April 23, 2010
~Traffic Jam~
Today finished tuition at 5.45pm and waited my daddy about 10 minutes. Then, I asked my daddy to drop me and Hui at Selayang Mall to book a cake :)
After we book a cake, my daddy fetched Hui to home then daddy bought a steam rice with fried chicken for me because later they will go out for dinner and left me at home.
Waited bro and head back to home at 6.45pm but a terrible traffic jam happened. == Daddy trying to drive to front there but still facing the same situation. @@ I can't wait anymore because I'm really hungry =( So, I ate the food in the car. When I want to eat, I saw no spoon for me ==''' Then, daddy asked me to use hand to eat. ><
I did it. I never think I will ate my dinner in the car without spoon. Faint. Anyway, quite delicious lar x)
Went back to home about 7.30pm already. Daddy and bro bathed quickly because they need to go for the dinner. So, I'm alone in home again.
Alright, today post until here. I can't wait for tomorrow~ Felt so excited xD
Mrs Vampire is missing Mr Vampire :(
❤ Missing you
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I thought today just Cik Siah didn't come to school only but my classmate told me that all the teachers that teach us today absent. ==''' Quite shocked when heard that because whole day don't have teachers!
So, we used the time to decorate our class. The malay idiom no need to change. They said it has 2 types. @@ Scared Syamin lots. We made some creative arts for our deration. Nice sia~ They used the art paint put on our hand then we put on a piece of paper. Really nice =) I think facebook will upload lot of these photos. xP
When we have free time, we went to find our teachers to make the same thing but teachers special :)) Lot of teachers absent, so we continue it tomorrow.
Some of my friends from another class said our class became so nice. I also don't know why we will suddenly want to decorate the class again may be because of Kok Cheng. He decided to redecorate the class again. So, we just lend a hand. ^^
Anyway, nice classroom. I'm sure tomorrow our form teacher back sure will be very happy because our class changed a lot! All of us felt so happy also. HAHA! xD
Today helped mum to prepare dinner again. I fried eggs but the oil "pop" out and "pop" on my hand == Mum saw that and said she will fried it. LOL! I'm not that careless, okay? Just don't know why like that @@
Mrs Vampire is missing Mr Vampire. Haha~! x)
❤ Missing you
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
~Congratz to Miss Raudhah~
She wants to marry already~~!! Really happy for her. After she marry, we should call her Puan Raudhah =P Can't normal with that. HAHA! xD If she saw this post, I sure kill by her x)
Lot teachers didn't came to school. Actually just 2 teachers lar. We continue decorating our class but this time happened some argues between of our decorating "leader" and the "members". LOLX!
We helped Kok Cheng did what things he wants. Then, 2 guys pasted all the alphabet about the idioms on the wall. He thought that all the things were successful but some of the words wrong already. Before that, he did wrong for the malay idiom also. Some of the malays tried to tell him, he did wrong already but he became so angry. I think because he was too stress.
Some of us trying to help him out but the time was not enough. So, we told him we continue tomorrow. Glad he didn't scold us. Phew~
When back to home and do the same things again. My life just full with those things only. Will it change? May be it will :)
Sorry friends for few days didn't update my blog. Sorry nia~
I'm missing vampire~ xD
❤ Missing you
Sunday, April 18, 2010
~PC Fair again~
After we ate our breakfast, then daddy straight away drive to KLCC. We arrived there about 10.30am. So, we went to centre of KLCC to take a look of the celcom promotion.
Daddy knew I want to buy handphone today so we take a look of those handphones also. The promoters told us if we want to buy we need to sign contract under celcom and must be celcom users. LOLX! I'm maxis user. =X A promoter told me I can change my number under celcom but need to add RM300. Total up is RM1018!! O.O! What a big amount for me and daddy.
We used up lot of times at there. We decided to buy at first but after a while, we changed our mind. We don't want to buy already. Quite disappointed. =( It's ok. Still have other chances. =)
After that we head to PC Fair. Before that, sis and bro went in at 11am while me, mom and dad still looking at handphones. Really full with people today.
Many things and leng lui at there also. Haha! I saw a cute mouse, it looks like sotong (someone said it). LOLX! But it really cute. It costs RM22. Mom asked me to buy but I don't want. Keyboard sell at there also. The keyboard have USB just cost RM18 but I no buy also. Went back to home then regret ==''' I'm alright. LOLX!
Me, mom and dad finished walked at there then we went to Burger King for our lunch. I don't like Burger King after ate the food. I prefer MacDee~~ xD Very full.
About 1pm plus. We walked back to parking lot and decide to go back. I took a nap in the car until arrived home.
Went back to home, did the same things as usual. Online and watched tv until time for dinner. I'm really full, so I didn't eat much. I gave lot rice to my bro. HAHA! xP
Nothing to say. Just felt a bit disappointed and regret today. xD
❤ Missing you
Saturday, April 17, 2010
~Pc Fair~
Woke up at early morning to help my mom washed the clothes. After done all the things and bathed, then we went out for having breakfast together.
Finished breakfast, daddy straight away fetch us to KTM. The board at there said 10.05am the train will arrived but before that have a train passed by. @@ All of us and the passengers just looked at the train passed by and question marks appear on our' heads. XD We waited until 10.05am, but the train still haven't arrive. == Then, the time on the board changed to 10.35am. WTH! Glad the train arrived before 10.35am.
Full of people in KTM. I really don't like crowded places. Station passed one by one. Passengers increased by one station and another. Finally, arrived KL Sentral. Get out from the crowded train and head to LRT.
I like LRT always. Have air-cond. No crowded. Everything is fine for me =)
Arrived KLCC. Before going out from LRT. I saw lot people standing outside there. All of them came for PC Fair.
When the door is opened at 11am. I saw many people running @@ They're so nervous, aren't they? Me, bro and sis went to Hall 4 and 5 but we seperate when we came to Hall 5. @@
Me and bro walked and looked and took all the papers that gave by promoter. Lot things at there.
Lazy to write so many. So I skipped some parts and write in summary. Bro joined the competition of CS and vs with pro gamers. Really pro gamers. They kept head shoot all the competitors. Me and bro have played HighStreet5 at there when we got nothing to do. HAHA! xD
I met Tony at there but I don't dare to call because I scare I got wrong people. Kenneth called me when I watching my bro playing games. I'm not shock when saw Kenneth because I knew he will come for PC Fair today just don't know what time or we will meet or nt. But, we met. XD
And then, we stayed at there until 5pm. Parents called so we leave but I leave with my bro because sis went to introduce some laptops to her friends. Me and bro get lost when finding the way to go out. @@ That time still raining. But at the end, we found the way. =)
Rest in car while waiting for sis. After sis came, then we went to have our dinner together. We're so hungry because haven't eat lunch.
Went back home. I iron my uniform and bro's uniform also. After that I online.
My legs was paining now. I walked and stood from 11am until 5pm. Tomorrow still have second round. May be daddy will buy a new phone to me? Hope he will. ^^
Sorry because I no make my post colourful today. Forgive me, ok? ^^
❤ Missing you
Friday, April 16, 2010
This is first time I felt headache when doing account. What happen to me?! Grr...I gave up to do after I did 6 questions. Don't feel like want to do it today. I want to rest. Let my brain rest...
❤ Missing you
Thursday, April 15, 2010
~Freaking Hot! & ghost?! ~
Morning like usual need to sit at the same place for listen the announcements. Nadhirah and Puteri absent today. So, I sat beside Hui (Puteri's seat). First class is Mathematics, actually teacher don't like us sit with friends. She wants us to sit with others, I mean different race. But others don't feel like follow her's instructions. They sit with others when other classes at least they sit with the "actual" place when Math's class. =P
After that is sport. I'm not really like because really hot! Today still play basketball. Man...I did not very well! Made my team lose, my sport's teacher still same group with me! =X Sorry, Cik Siah. But at the end, my group won also. As a conclusion, I'm not suit for playing basketball. LOL!
Before we went back to class. We went to the washroom at Block D and E there. When we want to go in. We can't open the door. It's locked! Me and friends still thought have someone inside there and lock it. So, I knocked the door. "Someone" knocked back! Hui tried to hear whether have people inside the washroom. She told me she heard have sounds inside there! So, we waited for few minutes. We don't feel like want to wait anymore, then we decided to back.
Went back to class, our history's teacher absent again. We still don't know what happen to her, but when Chinese's class, our chinese teacher told us that she got some disease. ><
We decided to change our clothes at another washroom, so we get permission from the relief teacher. Before we go, those malay girls told us later will have fire drill better don't change. Then, we no change our clothes again. After a while, I heard my classmates said that the toilet at Block D and E had locked because flood inside the washroom. That's mean will not have people inside the washroom!! OMG! I straight away told my friends that may be we "met" those things. T.T
*skip some parts*
Time for fire drill. Freaking hot! Everyone were uncontrollable! I asked those guys stand in front of me, then me and friends "hide" behind them. HAHA! Sorry guys =P After a while, teacher asked us to sit down. == We all sat down again, then I hide behind those guys. xD When the fire drill started, some of the guys stood up. How nice are they! We no need "hide" until so suffer. LOLX!
Before finish, a teacher suddenly came and find me to ask me stay back at today and tomorrow to help her do something. @@ I said I have Chinese Class after school at 1.30pm but teacher said nevermind just stay until 1.30pm then continue tomorrow. I'm not good in reject teachers or friends. So, I just accept it. @@
When the fire drill finished, all of us staright away went back to class without teachers' permission. Everyone did the same things as what we did. I think all of the teachers very angry. xD
After few minutes later then recess time. We tried to go to the washroom at block A and B to change our clothes. Haven't step inside, we saw lot people in there. Then, we tried to think another way to change our clothes. After a while, Hui saw teacher's washroom but she said we sure can't go in there to change our clothes. So, I said we go find a teacher and ask the teacher to help us. xD
We told the prefect that we want to find teacher, he let us go up but he followed behind us. After he saw we walked with our teacher, he went down again. Teacher brought us to the washroom. We changed our clothes quickly and said thank you to teacher after changed the clothes. Before we went back, teacher said don't let others know about this. So we zip our mouth xP Sorry nia~ Can't tell you all who are the teacher except the teacher says it out.
*skip again*
English. Teacher no teaching today because lot of them went down for helping. Actually teacher wants to give us some exercises but all of us said don't want. XD So, teacher said:" If don't want. I will give on next week and it will be double." All of us heard that and said:" HUH??!!" Teacher:" So, how?" Syamin:" Next week lar." HAHAHA! All of us laugh. xD After that, we played BINGO with malays to entertain ourselves. First time played until so happy. =)
1.05pm. Went to find that teacher who asked us to help her. Then she brought us to GKMP's room but our moral teacher said that the computer had spoilt. If really want to do it now, we can use the computer of Dr. Saro. O.O! No way! Me and Hui just heard that then scared already. We scare spoilt Dr. Saro's computer. Later she chops us into slice or what then sad. ="( Glad, teacher asked us to make the words at home, tomorrow bring the pendrive and continue in school. Phew~
I think I stopped at here. Don't want let this post become longer and longer. But today really hot and I think we really "met" ghost. And...I had lost my necktie. ><
❤ Missing you
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
~Acting and R.I.P~
2 teachers didn't come in the class today. I think one is angry until don't want in, another is sick I think.
Stayed in school until 4pm today because of Chinese Society. Have groups performance today--Acting. Funny performance by my group. 4 persons a group. Me, Hui, Jing Xi and a person EVERYONE hate. == Yee can't join us because she needs to help president. T.T
They gave us 3 words and want us to act. 3 words for our group are kindergarden, toilet and music room. We started to discuss and think about what we want to perform. Jing Xi be teacher, the person I hate be student, Hui be the mum of the student and me be CLEANER~~!! LOL! Quite funny actually and quarrel with Hui in the performance =P
After I back from school, I just noticed that the little gold fish died. Mom told me before she went out for fetch me back from school, the little gold fish still alive. T.T
Nothing to say about. Just sad because of the little gold fish. R.I.P.
❤ Missing you
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Finished schoold at 1.40pm, then me, Hui and Yee went to Selayang Mall by sitting Oo Yong's car. Nice driving skill. LOLX! The other friends went there by bus.
We ate sushi at Sushi King because have promotion. Me, Hui and Yee just ate 7 plates and felt full. @@ I think we will felt full quickly because we scare we are out of budget. Haha! xD
After that, we said we want to go first because we need to buy something. Before we went to Popular, we bought 3 Sundae Cone (ice-cream). Yum yum~ =) I finished ate it very fast and went in the Popular to buy the glue stick that my bro want.
Finished buying, one of the friend called Yee back to Sushi King there to take back our bags and books. After took our bags and books, I went to Giant there to buy the things that my mom asked for. Those things made me so shy when took out from there. >x<
Mom said she can't bring me back at 3.30pm because heavy rain outside. So, we waited at MacD. Actually we just want to sit at there but after a while, we scare the workers will unhappy because we no buy any food to eat. So, we bought 1 set of MacChicken and shared together.
Some of friends went back, some still waiting to back. Beh saw us still ordered and eat then said us. ==''' Don't care him. I try to "cut" the burger into 3 sections. I managed to do it. ^^
After ate. Really full. Then, I taught Hui and Yee math. When gave them a question to do, my mom called. So, we back at that time.
Arrived home about 4pm. I did all my things and I changed the "house" for the little golden fish. Haha! I brought it to upstair and put on the table beside my laptop. =) I told my mom to find the beaker because I want bring it up to the upstair's living room. I don't want the golden fish feels lonely. xP
Nothing to say already. Anyway, nice lunch today =)
❤ Missing you
Monday, April 12, 2010
~borrow modem?~
Head back to home after tuition at JX's house. Before we reached home, we saw the worker from TM Net. Mom then asked me to go and ask the worker why we can't online for a week. If before, I sure don't want to go and ask. I don't know why today I did. =='''
I asked him and gave him our home address and phone no. After I went back to home and have my dinner. The worker came after I finished eating. Quite fast than I think. @@
I told him what problems we facing and asked him how to solve. He checked and said the line no problem may be is the modem problem. Then, he went back to his van and took another modem that same with us. He connected the line by using his modem. After a while, he asked me to check whether can online or not. So, I used my sis's laptop to check it. It's work!! Can online~~ :)
After that, he told us that our modem have problem. He will helped us to check our modem still have live warranty or not. If still have, the modem he took will free for us. If no more warranty, then we need to pay. Before he go, he said after we buy new modem then called him to come to our house again. His modem leave for us. How kind is he =)
I'm happy because I can online already and I can do my EST homeworks. XD Thanks to Naden (worker from TM Net). ^^
I can't wait for tomorrow~ Hehe. =P
❤ Missing you
Sunday, April 11, 2010
~On9 at Old Town~
Yesterday online at daddy's friend's office. Today at Old Town. I think I just can go out online at Saturday and Sunday only if the line at home still can't fix.
I really fedup for complaining to the TM Net there. They kept asked us to waiting and waiting. Waiting for what?! Wait for a week already still like that! WTH! No scold bad words in my blog today. Should be proud for me. LOLX!
I went here about 11.30am something but I felt boring. What happen to me? I should be happy because I can online, right? Haiz...I don't feel happy because you're not online. I think I will feel boring because you're not around. Where are you??
Parents let us online tills what time we want just depend on my sis. I think she will be late because she met up with her old friends at here. So, we can online tills very late. I'm really nothing to do after facebook. == My life--boring.
Anyone can chat with me?
Where are you? IMY.
❤ Missing you
Saturday, April 10, 2010
~streamyx sucks!!!~
I can't online about 1 week because of the stupid line!!! I complain to TM Net for many time and many days but still the same!! They no fix anything also!! Grr...Really angry...Kept scolded them in bad words in my heart =X
Now I'm online at my daddy's friend's office. I used long time to connect. Really sad when can't online that time ="(
But now...I'm online-ing. Cheer for me for now only. After back home sure can't online also. T.T
Many things happened for this week. Happy, sad and angry things. All suddenly find me when I can't online. I wondering why will like that because don't let me update my blog or update my twitter? LOL!
I miss you so much...I miss my facebook...I miss my blog...I miss my twitter?...I miss...
sorry for disappear these few days...You fine? I miss you lot...
❤ Missing you
Sunday, April 4, 2010
~Swept Graves~

I don't know what happen to my phone. After took some photos then sot sot already. T.T Can't delete the file and can't do anything. My phone~~~
I wondering how fast was my daddy drove. We started our trip at Rawang about 6.30am and we arrived the place at 7.30am. O.O!! Mostly we need use about 1 hour or more than 1 hour to arrive but this time we super fast. LOLX! Daddy, you can join the F1 racing car. xD
It was so hot when we starting to sweep the 1st grave. When we swept for another grave, the cloud hided the Sun. Good job, cloud x) Mommy and Ah Han gugu no follow after that because mommy can't walks too far as she have asthma, then Ah Han gugu just had operation about 3 weeks ago. So, both of them waited us at down there.
Lot things happened while we sweeping the graves. Happy and scary. Happy things because we having some jokes and have a talk together ;) Scary things because I saw a caterpillar was moving on the grave there. Scared me! Glad no "bite" by it. @@
Finished everything then we went down from there and decided to go to Church because Ah Han gugu's daddy is Christian. Something funny happened on me. I forgot Christian just put flowers on the graves only. Then, after I put the flowers I still "cheng cheng" (don't know you all know what I mean or not, if don't know just ask me). @@! How clumsy I am. My relatives laughed me! Then I said I'm normal already so can't control myself to do that during that time.
Went back to grandmom's house. Bathed and rest for an hour or more than it at there. Then, we heading back to KL.
Watched another anime in the car but same things happened. Me and bro felt dizzy then we sleep in the car. Bro slept until the head on my waist. Made my waist pain. =='''
Having dinner before went back. Bro said 1st time saw me ate lot. HAHA! xD
Arrived home about 5pm. Cleaned all the things then online ^^
❤ Missing you
Saturday, April 3, 2010
I don't know what can I do in home today. After iron all the unifroms and did other things. I seem like nothing to do already. 2 laptop used by bro and mom. So, what can I do? I cleaned my cupboard. @@
After that, I find something to do again. I remembered the childish file I need to decorate. LOLx. That childish file is the prize I get from the creative writing. It's really childish =='''
I took my tool box and some papers. =) I started to think and decorate the file.
*dang dang dang dang~* Finally, I finished decorate it. (^^)v Mom said don't want play games already, so I can use my sis' laptop to online.
Today need to sleep early because tomorrow need go back to Ipoh. I don't like to go back~ I don't want~~~ ><
❤ Missing you
Friday, April 2, 2010
~Waiting waiting~
I decided online tills midnight today. LOLx. I think it become normal for me because I started online tills midnight on Friday and Saturday. This attitude should be change? XD
I'm waiting for my teacher to send e-mail for me because she want let us do some corrections of the essay we passed up last 2 months. Actually teacher want to discuss with us on Saturday or Sunday but Saturday both of my friends busy. Then, Sunday I need go back to my country home for sweep the graves. Wondering how many years I didn't go back to there already. Mom said this year is SPM, I should go back. Alright then.
Most of my friends did it last Sunday. Don't know why my uncle want choose this coming Sunday. He made a wrong decision for me. LOLx. He made me can't meet with my teacher for discussing. Uncle, I'm not blaming you. =X
Anyway, I will online tills midnight today and I need to use the time to edit my novel again. Hope teacher will send to me as soon as possible.
still have any chances?
❤ Missing you
Thursday, April 1, 2010
~Nothing to say~
Boring again~ Lot teachers didn't come today. All busy. Everyone just make noise in the class. LOL. I'm good student, sat at there and did some exercises. xP *perasan lar me...HAHA
Then having lunch at school with friends and continue our chinese lesson at 1.30pm.
Teacher told lot things to us today. All were surprising news. Teacher said one sentence, we WAA~~~ =O one time. LOLx. How funny we are.
Went back home. Did the same things as usual but I done my homeworks first. =)
Tomorrow Account's teacher will give us a test of the topic she taught last few days. == Really don't like her. Feel want to sleep when she teaching. Pn. Fathiyah~~ I'm miss you so much~~ =3
Alright, today end at here. Oh yeah, I became talkative as before. LOLx. =X
so, what the answer??
❤ Missing you