My Heart ♥ My World ♥ My Love

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
~No Mood~
I cried last night. Thanks for telling me. Thanks for your time. Thanks
I don't feel like to talk today. I just kept silent and alone in class. Some of my friends hv asked what happen to me but I'm just saying I'm sleepy. I'm really sleepy but I'm no mood with no reason.
for hurt me so deeply also. Thanks for let me know how to stand back
My friends no talk with me also because I'm kept silent all the day. I'm fine, really. Just don't feel like to talk. May be I'm suit for talkative? LOL. Sometimes, I should let myself relax without saying anythings. =)
after falling down by my ownself. I'm just want to know the reason for leaving me. May I?
I will be alright. Lot sentences can't read in this post. You know what I'm trying to say right? This just lying me and you. I'm not alright at all.
❤ Missing you Let me continue to miss you, can?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Just listened what teacher said whole day but except Account and Math. xD
When the class of account, most of the chinese didn't hear what teacher said. LOLx. I think teacher knew it, so she suddenly asked my friend go out to do the question == Glad the text book have the answer. If not we sure x.x
Chemistry. Headache. At first, I don't know what teacher said about. Me and my friends just kept talking and talking until teacher scolded. =X Then, we started to listen what teacher said after that, but we still in confusing. Teacher gave some exercises to us let us try. I'm still blurring that time. @@ Then, I discovered the question and why the answer like that. After few minutes, I knew it. @@ Made me headache. Finished the class and walked back to our classroom. I felt dizzy.
Math. I no listened what teacher said again but teacher no scold me because she knew it. When teacher gave exercises, I done it. =P
Cooked dinner for my family today. Not bad sia =) Yummy~ HAHA!
What you want actually? Just let me know...
❤ Missing you
Monday, March 29, 2010
Morning, having assemvly as usual. I don't know what happened also. My friend asked me and Hui went to canteen there to queue up. That time both of us still bluring. After the friend told us we won for 2nd and 3rd place for the writing essay competition then we ORH~ =O
No history today because the assembly used too much time already. Sien ==
BM. Forgot to bring my exercise book. I remembered I brought it but when I checked in my bag, don't have. == Then, I copied on a piece of paper. I managed to pass up today but a friend borrow it. Don't know he will bring it for me tomorrow or not. If no, I want kill him because teacher want us to pass up tomorrow.
Recess time. Time for clean the windows. LOL. Glad the prefect no ask us to go down after we said our reason for staying =)
English. Teacher was not around. We having party in class xD
Moral. Teacher asked the moral values. Me and Hui memorised it at the same time but teacher didn't call our name and ask us. Pity for those who can't answer because teacher want them to copy 3 set of moral values and pass it up on tomorrow. You know how many is that?! Total up is 108 moral values !!@@
Add Math. Just do some exercises of pass years' questions. Teacher just copied the questions until 2007. After me and Hui finished, teacher gave us the paper and asked us want to do questions of 2008 or 2009 or not. LOLx. That was so many things need to write but I made it simply =P Done it before go back. Phew~
Went back to home, received message from Miss Ho. Then, suddenly remembered that I have tuition today == I bathed quickly, prepared all the things and went out. I haven't eat my lunch also, so before I went out I ate a small pack of biscuits. I'm still hungry that time @@
Finished tuition, mom told me will late home because Rawang there traffic jam then made the way we going back also having traffic jam. (I think I have some problem with this sentence but I lazy to correct it. LOL) I finished my tuition homeworks in the car. After that, I fall asleep. zZz I'm really tired. I'm awoke in the midnight again at 2 or 3am. Arghh...What happen to me??
Dinner time. Having HALF-COOKED rice + sardine + vege and one more dish. I'm very hungry that time but after ate the HALF-COOKED rice, I'm became not really want to finish the food on my plate. I can't waste!! So, I ate it all. @@
Done my homeworks quickly and relax my mind.
❤ Missing you
Sunday, March 28, 2010
~Boring ==~
Can go out to sing K with them but I don't want. LOLx. Because I'm not really know some of them. So, the chance "fly away" from my hands. Quite sad actually T.T
I stayed at home and online. No friends to chat with. All of them just busy. No one is online =='''
Wait until the time for dinner. Having my dinner at Sri Damansara there. We saw a big rat jumped here and there. We became :O We never think there will have big rat around. Wondering the food we ate clean or not ==
The way back to home. Heavy rain. O.O! Suddenly thinked: Glad I no go sing K xD
Went back home. Online as usual. Tomorrow school. Pn. Kamaliah will not around for a week. Can go back earlier =)
Moral project haven't finish. LOLx. Try to finish it tomorrow if manage to ask teacher how.
❤ Missing you
Friday, March 26, 2010
Nothing to do.
Something good and bad happened.
Congratz to Pooi See for winning the 4th place in singing competition =)
Hope my friends won't sad again.
I don't know what to say already. ==
End of post. LOLx.
Be happy always o~ ^^
❤ Missing you
Thursday, March 25, 2010
~EST Explore Race~
p/s: will be long post today xD
Skipped all the things thats happened in the morning. Let me say about the explore race.
I went to school then remembered need to think the name and slogan for our group. == So, I discussed with my group' members but lot of them said don't know. Then, I made a decision, our group's name as Nobody. For sure, our slogan will be the song of Nobody. Something changed after school.
Our leader suddenly said don't want this name and this slogan. So, we discussed and thinked again. We made it before we start to meet our teacher and we managed to practice the slogan. =) Opps. Forgot to say, our group name is Infinity 8 xD
We went to astaka at 3.00pm. We practiced again before teacher come. After teacher came, we went to the field and teacher started to brief us. Before we start our race, teacher asked every groups to say out their slogan. We are the group 2. When our turn to say it. Woah! We are so energetic! HAHA! =D
Started our race! Our first station is Station 2 at the back gate of school. Man...We saw no one at there, we still thought we went to wrong place but we saw something disgusting inside the pail in the small house at there. When we want to go back, we saw the 2 guys coming to the small house. Then we knew we got the right place. Our 1st mission is need to do the question of the ozone layer. It just same like we having exam. LOLx. Glad we passed our mission with all correct =) But...Something scary happened, the 2 guys asked us to put our hands inside the pail == Those disgusting things just look like JELLY! Yucks. But for the race, for complete all the mission, we put our hands inside it then put on our faces. ==
Finished it, we went to our next station. Before it, we went to guy's toilet to wash our faces and hands. Time is forcing us. We forced to go quickly. My hair, my faces and my hands...So dirty @@
2nd mission...I don't like the facilitator. Because last year he kept fooling us. This time still the same but before it we don't know that. He asked us to find the small piece of paper that's the clue for last station inside the pail. The pail full with sands and some insects!! Eww~ But we still find the paper together. We used up lot time to find for it still can't find anything. Then, we gave up. The facilatator told us that actually he folling us because no paper inside the pail also. == So, our punishment was making something to become the kangaroo (I forgot what that call). Finished making it, he still want all of us say :" I love you, blue pail." then kiss the pail. LOLX! We did it.
Then, we rushed for our next station again. At the field there. We need to crawl through the hole. Dirty water == My trousers and shirt was dirty. 7 of us finished crawling and the last person need to stay inside there and let us know what to draw on the piece of paper. We used up lot times and the question was fooling us also. Faint~!
4th mission. We found it until panic but at least one of our group member knew where is it. It's on 3rd floor of Block A and B. @@ This mission asked us to make parachute to hang the egg and can't let the egg break. They gave us some materials and we starting to think how to hang the egg. This mission drag our time but we still couldn't pass the mission. But the facilitator asked us to go for our next mission. So, we just go for it.
This mission is asked us to go inside the big big plastic bag (don't know what its call again. Sorry, my vocab. not that good) then we need to kick the football to the goal place and kick it back. 6 of them done it, then the facilitator said we can go for our last station. Me and Yee excaped this mission XD
Finally our last mission. It's quite easy. We just need enough of good tacit agreement between us then we can made it. 1st 3 persons go 1st. They holding a cup of water and walked to Oo Yong there to fill up the bottle. The 3 person need to step on the same wood. 1st person go by which leg 1st then 2nd and 3rd need go by which leg. If not sure fall down. 1st pair can't fill up the bottle, so me, Hui and Yee were the 2nd pair. We said:" Left...Right...Left...Right..." so loudly. Pn. Kamaliah said with us also. HAHA! xD I think those afternoon class' students said with us also. =))
Finally, we end it. ^^ We are the 3rd group finished it. WooHoo~~ Happy sia =) We took some photos before going back. When we waiting to back, raining!!! Shi Ming's mom fetched me and Hui back. Thanks to Shi Ming and her mom =)
Went back home, washed my shirt and trousers. Cleaned and washed myself until clean clean. Haven't dry my hair then straight away having my dinner. Today I ate a lot because I'm too hungry already.
Lot of fun today. End here. See ya guys =)
Will I sleep earlier today? May be. HAHA xP
Shall rest earlier today ^^
❤ Missing you
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
~Bad luck~
I don't know what happen today but really bad! Starting from the class of PSK. The teacher really make us hate her! She suddenly gave us a lot of exercises about 6 pages, then asked us to pass up before recess. CRAZY! She angry just because we no do her homeworks that she gave before holiday. I did! Me and Hui did it! Just our classmates said don't pass up because later teacher sure scold them. Then, we no pass up. When me and Hui almost finished 6 pages of the exercises. The teacher suddenly told another classmate just finish objectives enough. WHAT THE!!!
Another things. I lost my pen. I don't know who stole my pen! Who so heartless stole my pen! I just refill with new ink!!!!!! Stupid!!! GRRR......!!!
Competition? Sucks. I'm starting become so rude. I admit about it. I made our group lose. Sorry guys. T.T After it, we went to canteen and having our lunch. Then a malay form 1 student said bad word to me! I'm in bad mood still like that! Sure I said back to him. Don't want let you know what I say. Want know just ask me in msn. LOLx.
Whatever. Everything is end. Tomorrow will be another new day. EST explore race tomorrow. Our group, GANBATTE!!! This one sure will be fun because lose still hv prize. XD
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I don't know what happen to my account teacher!! Rude a bit...She just like a shit!
Today she gave back our paper to us. I can get full marks for subjective!! But she deduct my marks!!! WTH IS SHE!!! Every chinese students hate her!! All can get higher than the result we got today!! She just said herself correct. What the...Everyone give her marks the paper sure get a worst score! It's TRUE!!!!
We asked another account teacher who we love her so much. She said we can get score for that because the question didn't ask us to find that. That stupid teacher deduct our marks because we no find that!!! Stupid her!!! Ma de...U MADE ME SAID THOSE BAD WORDS TO YOU!!! START FROM TODAY, I WILL NOT LISTEN WHAT YOU TEACH!! I JUST DO MY OWN THINGS, DON'T BLAME ME!! (like a bit serious and bad already ==)
Sry to my friends because I said those bad words. I'm really angry. ==
Tomorrow is singing competition. Nervous, excited and scare~~
❤ Missing you
Monday, March 22, 2010
~Bad news & Good news~
Bad news: Some of my result...not that nice. LOLx. Then, EST explore race on Thursday. I have chinese class on that day! ==
Good news: Some of my result...quite nice. HAHA xD Then, singing competition of group on Wednesday. Friday don't have singing competition for group anymore =) I no need rush for my tuition.
That's all for today. Lazy to write. xD
❤ Missing you
Saturday, March 20, 2010
~Practice Hard~
Last few days then got the news about the competition put on Wednesday but only for form 5 students. They said because too many form 5 students took part in this competition, so Wednesday will be one more for us. When some of them said it's unfair because we compete with others form 4, form 3 students also. Teacher decided that, then we need to obey. Aiks. Nevermind lar. Just need to practice hard.
I sang until sore throat, no voice, cough etc. Quite serious huh? Yeah. Very serious. One of my friend heard it, she so shocked and asked me to drink more water. I did! But still the same. Don't know it is call lucky or just normal thing. Next day, I can sing like usual. LOLx.
Today I practice again and again but one of my friend asked to change song. Unfortunaly, another friend don't feel like want to change. @@! Let them discuss and decide. I'm still alright with all of the decisions. You ask me to sing, I sing. You ask me to practice, I practice. You say change song, I'm okay. Hmm...May be I should change these bad characteristics. I should have my own ideas or suggestions. I will try to.
Just now having dinner with family. Lot of fun there. We talked a lot of funny things and kept laughing. I think I'm the one who laugh until non-stop. XD All of them also sweat when saw me kept laughing non-stop. Sometimes, I think I'm a bit crazy but like this then will be have a fun time, right? =P
The way going back home, Yee called me. When I want to pick up the phone, she off. == Everytime also like that. So, I no reply or call back to her. If something really important then she will call me or sms me in short term. I'm lazy to make a call or sms. Out of credits.
Went back to home. Do the same things as usual: msn, facebook, listening songs, practicing...Whatelse? Play games? I'm seldom play games since I need to practice hard. I should relax my throat right?
Alright then. Today write until here. See ya~ =D
❤ Missing you
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Very lazy right? xD And I skipped the gasthering also. My primary friend told me that many friends no go the gathering, so we decided don't want go...
Boring. Don't know what to do whole day. Bro watched Amulet Heart (can say as old anime) then I watched also. =='''
Oh yeah, today ate a lot also! Man...I'm getting fat. Non-stop eating bread...HAHA! xD
. missing you
. missing you
. missing you
❤ Missing you
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
~Bad mood again~
Can you hear that? Just music ok? Don't keep giving me those links that have people singing. I downloaded many times but don't have one of it that I want! Grr...I really fedup! Angry!! HEADACHE!!!! no panadols thanks.
Until now, I still can't find it...Really want say something bad already. Stop making me angry!!
Today I'm was out of control...Someone can help me calm down? Arggh..!! Feel lik want to bang the wall...Yes, I'm mad. If don't want calm me down just go away!! Don't make me scold u also...Bad mood-ing.
Sorry about yesterday, I had made you became like that and...I cried again...I'm just like a cry baby as you said. Sorry...
❤ Missing you
Monday, March 15, 2010
~Sing K~
Woke up at 6am and followed mommy to pasar for buy some ingredients for the dinner. Before it. we having breakfast with daddy and sis.
Went back home, helped mommy to laundry the clothes then I started to prepare myself to going out. Went out at 9.20am because want pay for the electric' bills.
Done all the things. Then went to Hui's house to fetch her and mommy dropped us at Selayang Mall. We arrived there saw lot of friends. I quite shocked when saw others because I thought just 7 of us only. After some times, they said they go to Sunway Pyramid for skating. Glad~ xD
All of us waited for Yee again. She always late. When she called Hui, we lie her we on the way to The Curve already. HAHA! We are bad, aren't we? =P
After she came, we waited for taxi and went to The Curve. Kept chat and chat inside taxi. I think the driver sure felt we so annoying. xD We are the first who went to The Curve, but we are the last who arrived there. How weird. == I think the driver wants to cheat our money.
Met with Ming Yang, Pooi See and Yee Ting at there. 10 plus, we find the Red Box. =D
We are the first customers for them today. After we discussed want which package then we sat beside and waited until 11am.
-Ding!- 11am. We get in the room in fast action. XD We can't wait for it anymore. We started to choose the song and "visit" the place.
-Sing sing sing sing and sing until 4 hours- Some of them sore throat because they sang too much. HAHA~! xD
We having crazy time at there and took lot photos but I lazy to say it. =P Something cool and funny things happened when we going back to Selayang Mall. We saw the last year champion of singing competition in M'sia. That time I still can't recognize who are them. After Pooi See told us who are them, then we: ORH~ like that. =X
Went back to Selayang Mall. We are the first who went back but we late a bit also == Still expensive! What the. How bad luck are we. After arrived there, all of us started to seperate ways. At that time, we said goodbye to them.
I think Yee will post the photos in facebook. So just wait =) I'm lazy to make my post colourful today, sorry~
Miss you lot lot...
❤ Missing you
Sunday, March 14, 2010
~Kuala Selangor~
Woke up at 7 plus in the morning and helped mom to wash the clothes. Finished all the things, all of us bathed. Then, we went out to Kuang for daddy's malay friend's wedding lunch.
We arrived Angie aunty house about 12pm. We sat and gossip for 15 or 20 minutes then went to the wedding lunch.
The place quite kampung. I no brought my camera. Lazy. So, don't have any photos nia~ Sorry again. Quite hot at there. I kept complaint and complaint. LOLX. My parents didn't say anything. HAHA! =X
Aunty told us just eat a bit after that went out and eat again. All of us agree with her because malay's wedding lunch just a few things to eat and we can't normal with their food also. So, after ate little bit, we wished the bride and then daddy asked Angie aunty and her family to Sekinchan, Kuala Selangor for our next "lunch".
From Kuang to Sekinchan, Kuala Selangor need 1 hour plus plus. Daddy said we can arrive there very fast but aunty's husband drove VERY CAREFULLY. So, we used up many times. Glad daddy asked us to bring the DVD to watch. If not, we sure boring until complain again. xD
I love the scenery at there. Peaceful~ Especially the blue blue sky and the paddy field. I don't know why. Everytime I bring camera to there, I can't took any photos of these peaceful things. When I no bring or forgot to bring, then I keep saw these nice scenery. ==
Skip that. We ate a lot at there. FULL~~ Really FULL~~~ Because too full so no eat dinner today. =X
Waiting tomorrow~ Today sure can't sleep well because too happy and excited. XD Say first, I will not bring camera tomorrow because my friend said too dangerous if we bring it. Sorry guys ><
Thanks for your post. muakxx~ =D
❤ Missing you
Saturday, March 13, 2010
My 1 week holiday? No more. Monday will go out with friends. As what I said, Tues until Thurs extra classes. Friday tuition and have an apointment on morning. I just left Saturday and Sunday to rest. Thinked for a while. I can't rest. I still need to done my homeworks in this 1 week of holiday.
Yesterday, I finished my history' exercises. Then, today and other days I need to do my essay and moral project. Finding some ideas to write my essay. Teacher gave a special but difficult title for us to do. Yuffie, think think. You need to think how to write it.
After finish this essay, you are free for some moment. LOLX. Whatever. I need some time to rest my brain. Used too much for exam already.
I will always by your side. Anything can share with me =)
❤ Missing you
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I continuosly cried about 2 days for my Add Math and today is MATH!!! I never think I will careless in Math also. Why?! WHY~~??!! Suddenly felt I'm so useless. Easy questions I did wrong. How about the more difficult questions? Wrong all?! I want get 90% above for my MATH!! Now no more! My hope-Destroyed by myself.
Cry. What use for cry? I can do it again? I can get corret for it although I wrong? NO! NEVER!! You failed! Yuffie, face for the reality!
Tomorrow account and moral. If I still careless and wrong easy questions in account. I really failed. TOTALLY FAILED!!
Angry, disapponited, sad...All the feelings are in my heart now. Yuffie, you can't make the same mistakes again!!
Need your shoulder again...May be I push myself too hard, but how? ><
❤ Missing you
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Before we start our physics' exam. My Add. Math's teacher came in the class and marked our papers. That time I still sang the song that sing in the competition. When my classmate told me teacher marking my paper, I went beside my teacher and took my paper.
I haven't open it, teacher told me I have lot careless mistakes. After I opened it, my mood down at that time. LOT mistakes! is LOT!!! I can't accept it! Teacher marked 2 pages, I wrong all!!! ALL!! Not only 1 page, is all the questions that teacher marked already. Although I still get 1 mark for some questions, I still very sad. I stunned suddenly. Then, my classmate said where I did wrong. I gave back the paper to my teacher, and back to my seat.
My tears dropped. I can't control. Tears dropping. Friends silent. They knew the reason why I cried.
Started from that moment, I became no mood. Kept thinking about the questions. Before we start our physics, then I stopped myself to think about it.
Finished physics' paper. Recess time. My friends said I really care about my Add Math. Not only Add Math but all the subjects that relate with numbers. I admit, I really care all the subjects that relate with numbers.
This will be my 1st time fail my Add Math. Will I cry again? Yes, I will. May be won't cry at school, I'm sure will cry at home.
Angry myself. Felt sorry to my teacher and myself. Disappointed for myself. I'm really sad...May I cry?
Lend me your shoulder today...I need you...
❤ Missing you
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
~Exam Exam~
Finally finished BM, BI, Add. Math and History. Tomorrow will be more suffer because physics and chemistry. Grr...My physics and chemistry will be worst compare with last year. Die DIe DIE!!!
Hope won't die until so scary lar...摆脱不要死无全尸啊~ After tomorrow will be alright. Just EST need memorise something. My brain~Pity brain~ T.T
Tomorrow..Hmm...Will update my blog? May be. I will try my best nia~ =P
I never angry you. Sorry about yesterday also. =)
❤ Missing you
Saturday, March 6, 2010
While I'm spending the time to online, I discussed the things about the singing competition with my friends. SINGING COMPETITION never appear in my life before. I'm not good in singing (I don't know). I feel that I don't have the talent of singing. This year is the last year for us, so we should try something interesting, right?
Kept practicing these 2 days. Still not very good. I like to sing but not sing for competition. You know what I mean? I want a relax and fun singing style not a stress style on the stage. Hope we can make it relax when we stand on the stage that day.
Exam start at Monday. Add. Math and BM. I manage to do it? Ya, may be. Good luck for me. Having tuition tomorrow and really need to do revision already. I DON'T HAVE THE MOOD TO DO IT!!!! =X
❤ Missing you
Thursday, March 4, 2010
~Skip School~
What did I do in home? Do revision? No. Sleeping? No. Watch TV? No. Then what? Sure surf net!! (I'm sounds like an idiot ==)
Woke up at 8am and helped mummy do the houseworks. Finished all the things then went out to market with mummy. Mummy said daddy will go to Johor tomorrow not today. So she wants to cook something he like to eat: pot-stewed meat (pork). Yum yum~ Mummy really good in cooking. I want to learn from her~~ =D
After tomorrow, just left 4 person in the house. Daddy, I will miss you neh ><
❤ Missing you
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
~Happy Bday to Me~
Today, my friends gave a big big surprise to me when recess. I never think they will celebrate my birthday during recess because I thought they will celebrate when holiday. Need to say thank you to Hui, Yee, Ming, Jesmine, Ting, Pooi See, Siew Min, Oo Yong, Myon, Beh, Kok Cheng, Tee, Bryan, Juk Hong, Phren, Wai Yip and others who gave me this big big surprise. =D I really happy and so touch with this. ❤ you all =)
I took some photos of my gifts that gave by my friends and I uploaded in the facebook already. Sad because I can't bring camera to school. If not I'm sure take a lot photos with my friends. HAHA~! xD
Today I can online tills midnight because tomorrow no need go to school. Actually not no need lar, just I don't want go. Tomorrow is school's sport day. I don't have take part in it. So, just sleep in home better. xP
Dear dear, really thank you nia~ ❤ you the most~ =D
❤ Missing you
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Felt so sleepy today. Kept yawn-ing when teachers were teaching. I'm know this is not good but I can't control it.
When Math's class. Most of them were sleeping in the class. I want to sleep but I can't do that. (at least I know what is right what is wrong =P) After teacher explained the exercises, she gave us 15 or 20 minutes to do the homeworks before the next class. I forgot I used how much time to do it but I done it before bell ring.
Finally end of the class at 1.40pm. Then, me, Hui and Yee went to the canteen quickly to have our lunch because we have to help our moral teacher to decorate the board. Finished eating, we went to office and find teacher. Teacher asked us to bring the laptop and printer to the "small hall" and we can do it at there.
We started our works at 2pm but Hui and Yee said they need to back at 3.00pm. So, we did all the things quickly but nice. xD We managed to decorate the board. Simple and nice. =X Teacher still treat us some drinks. Long time didn't drink that already. Yum yum~ (?) [I use wrong sound to describe the drink =x]
Went back home about 3.30pm. Done all the works and start to do revision. I memorized the moral values in school so I do some revision about chemistry. Still alright with that. (I think so) Tomorrow will do some revision of Add. Math. or BM or English I think. xD For sure, tomorrow I will be online back~ MSN, FACEBOOK, and dear dear~ Miss you all so much~~ LOLX! And tomorrow I can online tills midnight because Thursday no need to go to school. WooHoo~~ =D
Oh yeah, if someone saw that I'm was playing farm ville in facebook, that's not me ok? That was my mom who using my account to play farm ville for FARMING. xD
❤ missing you
Monday, March 1, 2010
Starting to do my revision today. Today Miss Raudhah didn't come to school. Quite sad when heard about this. So, when recess I went to Bilik Koko to find Pn. Kamaliah and told her we can have EST class on the 10th period which is replace the Add. Math's class. Today forgot to bring my moral and EST's exercise books. Glad teachers do not say want to see the books. XD
Today back home at 1.05pm. Having MacD as my lunch. Long time no eat already. Feel so delicious. =D
After that, I bathed and do my homeworks. Finished my homeworks I put all the books that need to use tomorrow. Hope I no forget to bring one of the exercise book. xP
Then, I started to do my revision. I read 2 chapter of history. I hate history. It always make me felt want to sleep. I kept yawn-ing when read it. >o<
I'm no online but I updating my blog by Microsoft Word. Is it online too? But I'm just update my blog when I'm was resting only. >< So, it doesn't a big problem right?
Tomorrow need to stay back at school to help teacher decorate the board of moral. I can't reject teacher who call I'm the monitor and the one who always so close with teachers (not only me lar..still have other friends) LOLx. Not I'm perasan okay? I'm always say "HARLOW" to teachers. HAHA! Then, me, Hui and Yee always appear in front of teachers, sure they remember about us and sure will ask us to help them to do something. Thinking we will stay at school how long. Is it 1 hour or 2 hours? Or more than it? I don't know but I hope I can go back earlier.
I think I will be update my blog when I'm resting.
Alright, I need to go now. Must miss me nia~ =P
jia you in your training and studies also =)
❤ missing you