My Heart ♥ My World ♥ My Love

My Heart ♥ My World ♥ My Love

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Felt so sleepy today. Kept yawn-ing when teachers were teaching. I'm know this is not good but I can't control it.

When Math's class. Most of them were sleeping in the class. I want to sleep but I can't do that. (at least I know what is right what is wrong =P) After teacher explained the exercises, she gave us 15 or 20 minutes to do the homeworks before the next class. I forgot I used how much time to do it but I done it before bell ring.

Finally end of the class at 1.40pm. Then, me, Hui and Yee went to the canteen quickly to have our lunch because we have to help our moral teacher to decorate the board. Finished eating, we went to office and find teacher. Teacher asked us to bring the laptop and printer to the "small hall" and we can do it at there.

We started our works at 2pm but Hui and Yee said they need to back at 3.00pm. So, we did all the things quickly but nice. xD We managed to decorate the board. Simple and nice. =X Teacher still treat us some drinks. Long time didn't drink that already. Yum yum~ (?) [I use wrong sound to describe the drink =x]

Went back home about 3.30pm. Done all the works and start to do revision. I memorized the moral values in school so I do some revision about chemistry. Still alright with that. (I think so) Tomorrow will do some revision of Add. Math. or BM or English I think. xD For sure, tomorrow I will be online back~ MSN, FACEBOOK, and dear dear~ Miss you all so much~~ LOLX! And tomorrow I can online tills midnight because Thursday no need to go to school. WooHoo~~ =D

Oh yeah, if someone saw that I'm was playing farm ville in facebook, that's not me ok? That was my mom who using my account to play farm ville for FARMING. xD


missing you

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