Today's post will be everything about MONEY! $.$
I want to update my blog since my birthday, but I'm lazy to update until now. LOL!
Today I went to dental clinic to check my wisdom teeth. The dentist said that I need to have a minor surgery to take my wisdom teeth out and she said it will be better for me to take it out since I'm still young.
My mum asked about the price, the dentist said about RM600 - RM700 per side. Oh damn. What a big amount for me! ):
But I really hope that I can have this surgery after my final exam and before my second year starts. I think I will use the money that my senior sponsor me for cosmetic to do the surgery )': Another benefit for me to do this surgery is that I can slim down fast! I hope that I can lose 10kg after this surgery. HAHA!
Byebye to my cosmetic again. (T.T)/
~Postedby: Lonely Me~
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